I have a set of 15k Gladi and 1.5k Platemail (I HATE the Str req on Sentinels and it looks lame :/)
I found that alot of farms can be done fine with Gladi (you get 80+20 vs Physical; Swords, Arrows, Hammers etc) but it lacks seriously for farming elemental enemy (Hydra, Ice Golem etc).
I tested this out on the Droks run; I can EASILY run past Ice Golems and the like without dying with Platemail. I take alot more damage with Gladiators.
Also, strangely, I have noticed less damage vs Physical using my Platemail set also (which doesnt make sense seeing as both are +100 vs physical).
Platemail: AL 90 (+10 Vs Physical)
Gladiator: AL 80 (+20 Vs Physical)
The energy gain from Gladi is nice.